

Minerva is one-man-band Andrew Kaz.

Influences: Conor Oberst/Bright Eyes, of Montreal, The Killers, AFI,
Jim Morrison/The Doors, Elliott Smith, MGMT, Deerhunter, David Bowie,
John Lennon, The Beatles, Kurt Cobain, The Submarines

Influences: Gone KC, Merlin, Him, Da Vinci, William S. Burroughs
Phoebe Bridgers, Conor Oberst
(Not) Elliott Smith, Man Son

Genres: Emo / Romantic, Deathly, Not- Grunge

Favorite People / Heroes:
Lewis Carrol (crossdresser),
Jim Morrison (someone who knew the only thing that mattered),
Conor Oberst,
Davey Havock (romantic),
David Bowie ("and.. hung out with transvestites"),
Kevin Barnes,
Adam Weishaupt (revolutionary),
John Lennon


(Some old pictures)